Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Monday, May 30 - Memorial Day

Melissa and I had a GREAT bike ride in the morning. We headed down to Snow Hill from home on Hwy 91 and cruised all the way down to the outskirts of town to Lenoir Community College and stopped for a water break there. After that we turned around and headed back home. This was Melissa's longest ride to date at 19 miles with an average of 14.4 mph. She did great! Among the many interesting things we saw was a spanish church that seemed to have its power from the house up the street. We could see an orange and then black extension cord running along the ditch from the neighboring house (about 500-700 feet away)! Other interesting sites included a turtle and what seemed to be a manure processing plant. YUCK!

Eli and I even got in a 2.5 mile ride together in the late afternoon. It was great. We biked up to the cemetery and then to the south side of town and back.

Later in the day, we hosted the Masters Commission guys that helped us move in. We served some great new recipes including grilled nachos, citrus lime chicken & chili lime grilled corn. The guys shot some hoops, played guitar hero and then we had some killer air hockey games. Fun times!

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