In the summer of 1989, I had the opportunity to travel to South Africa as part of a team representing Oral Roberts University. One of the places we visited during our stay was the country of Lesotho (pronounced Li Soo Too). I spent eight weeks on the mission field that summer and have kept most of the momentos from the journey in a special memory box.
A conversation or two this week brought back memories of my trip. Lesotho is unique in that the country is essentially an island in the middle of South Africa. It is the southernmost land locked country in the world. The country is currently suffering greatly from AIDS/HIV. The disease affects nearly 30% of the population, one of the highest rates in the world. There are several important orphanages operating in Lesotho to help care for children left behind. One of the young ladies from our church may have the opportunity to go and help at one of the orphanages this summer.
I will add a few photos of my time there when I get a few extra minutes to post them.
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