Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I’ve joined the craze… of baconnaise!

My good friend and “fellow” blogger The Swell Guy gave me a special gift on Sunday… a jar of lite baconnaise! My wife was not nearly as trilled as I was because for some reason, she just doesn't understand our bacon craze which has also recently included bacon chocolate. Funny too; because she loves bacon, crispy bacon, maybe that's the problem, it's not crispy. That aside, I had my first taste yesterday as I prepared a turkey "club" sandwich (bread, baconnaise, turkey, lettuce and fresh tomatoes) with this tasty spread. Eli, my 6 yr. old son also had a turkey "club" with me (minus the lettuce & tomato for him of course since his regular sandwich is just mayo and turkey). It was wonderful in so many ways, fewer calories than even my usual lite mayo plus none of the calories from the bacon yet ALL of the flavor! Eli and I don't mind at all that the rest of the family hasn't jumped in with us since that means more for us. J

